September 24, 2024: California Issues Forum: Housing & Homelessness
On September 24, 2024, the Homelessness Hub's Dr. Stacey Livingstone and Dr. Joshua Newton participated as panelists in a conversation with other housing and homelessness academics and civic leaders to discuss partnerships between academia and policy in order to address California's housing and homelessness issues.
This event is part of the Scholars Strategy Network's California Issues Forum. Click here to watch highlights from the panel.
March 29, 2024: Housing Displacement & Interventions in San Diego County / Desplazamiento de Viviendas e Intervenciones en el Condado de San Diego
On March 29, 2024, approximately 60 stakeholders from a variety of public and private agencies attended a two-hour event about housing displacement and policy responses. The event goal was to learn about the communities most impacted by housing instability and eviction, and address ways that local and state government, and area non-profits and philanthropists, can prevent displacement. Speakers represented SANDAG, San Diego Housing Commission, Casa Familiar, Legal Aid Society of San Diego, UC San Diego, and the Horn of Africa community organization.
Find a full list of speakers and detailed panel information here.
Refer below to access presentations from the event.
- LASSD (Legal Aid Society of San Diego): Updates in Housing Laws and Eviction Trends
- LASSD: New Laws and Updates - 2024
- Understanding and Preventing Housing Instability
- San Diego Housing Commission Eviction Study
- SANDAG Anti-Displacement Strategies